Analysis of alfa-fetoprotein concentrations in maternal serum of Romany and non-Romany women in the Prešov Region of Eastern Slovakia


  • Iveta Boroňová Department of Biology, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Science, University of Prešov
  • Ivan Bernasovský Department of Biology, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Science, University of Prešov
  • Jarmila Bernasovská Department of Biology, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Science, University of Prešov
  • Peter Šeliga Department of Surgery, Faculty Hospital of J. A. Reiman, Prešov
  • Eva Petrejčíková Department of Biology, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Science, University of Prešov
  • Alexandra Bôžiková Department of Biology, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Science, University of Prešov
  • Miroslav Soták Department of Biology, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Science, University of Prešov
  • Adriana Sovičová Department of Biology, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Science, University of Prešov
  • Dana Gabriková Department of Biology, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Science, University of Prešov
  • Petra Švíčková Department of Biology, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Science, University of Prešov
  • Soňa Mačeková Department of Biology, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Science, University of Prešov


Romanies, Ethnic differences, Ethnicity, Alphafetoprotein


Aim. The aim of the study was to estimate concentrations ofalpha-fetoprotein in the maternal serum of Romany and non-Romany women in the Prešov region (Slovakia) in the periodfrom 2003-2006 and their comparision with attention to ethnicorigin. AFP testing involved 1983 women. Methods. Thestudy includes 265 Romany (14-44 years; mean age 23.64±0.57year) and 1718 non-Romany women (17-45 years; mean age28.22±0.24 year). To show the statistical difference between theethnic groups, we employed multiple regression analysis. Results.The median values of MSAFP at 15-18 weeks gestation inRomany women were lower in comparision with non-Romanywomen of majority population in the Prešov region. Conclusion.The obtained results suggest that a correction for AFPconcentrations or the use of group-specific medians for variousethnic populations would be appropriate.


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How to Cite

Boroňová, I., Bernasovský, I., Bernasovská, J., Šeliga, P., Petrejčíková, E., Bôžiková, A., … Mačeková, S. (2008). Analysis of alfa-fetoprotein concentrations in maternal serum of Romany and non-Romany women in the Prešov Region of Eastern Slovakia. Acta Medica Academica, 37(2), 86–90. Retrieved from



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