From virtual library over dictum and intel until refine: a story about ten-years of reform of medical education in Bosnia-Herzegovina


  • Vladimir J. Šimunović Department of Medical Humanistic, School of Medicine, Split University and Unit for Science and Research Split University Hospital, Split
  • Hans Günter Sonntag Heidelberg University, Heidelberg
  • Mirko Petrović Gent University
  • Richard Marz Vienna Medical University, Vienna
  • Axel Horsch Heidelberg University, Heidelberg
  • Maja Ostojić Mostar University, Mostar
  • Bojana Filej Maribor University, Maribor
  • Danica Železnik Maribor University, Maribor
  • Ana Marušić Zagreb University School of Medicine, Zagreb


Medical education, Tempus, ECTS, Quality assurance, Curriculum reform, Catalogue, Knowledge and skills


The purpose of this paper is to recall how we, medical teachersin Bosnia-Herzegovina (BH), coped with the challenge ofreform in higher education and to analyze what in our doingwas fashion, which trends we have chosen to follow, and whatwere the real, substantial and tangible results of our work. Financialsupport for reform across the board came through theTrans-European Program for Co-operation in Higher Educationin Central and Eastern Europe (Tempus), and, since1997, the five schools of medicine in Bosnia and Herzegovinapartnered with academic institutions from nine EU countriesin seven granted Tempus projects. The results were tangible: anetwork of medical libraries was established; medical schoolswere assessed internally and externally; several importantdocuments were drafted and agreed on; a core group of facultyfrom Bosnia and Herzegovina was trained in new teachingmethods; and research was done and published. Not less important,there were also some less tangible, but perhaps evenmore important fruits of this cooperation. A sense of trustwas established, which is essential for any future collaborativeaction. Representatives from all sides, previously divided bythe war, had a chance to communicate with each other, dispellingsome prejudices and regaining belief that it is possibleto work together. This example of the schools of medicine ofBosnia and Herzegovina shows that higher education can bea favorable arena for reconciliation. Financial incentive canserve as a catalyst in the process and the presence of impartialpartners (in our case, schools of medicine from the EU) provedbeneficial for establishing and maintaining trust and good-will.The conclusion is that society rebuilding can be promoted indirectly,through formal education and professional engagement,not necessarily by pressing the “opposing” sides to talk aboutreconciliation and sign peace declarations.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir J. Šimunović, Department of Medical Humanistic, School of Medicine, Split University and Unit for Science and Research Split University Hospital, Split

Hans Günter Sonntag, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg

Mirko Petrović, Gent University

Richard Marz, Vienna Medical University, Vienna

Axel Horsch, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg

Maja Ostojić, Mostar University, Mostar

Bojana Filej, Maribor University, Maribor

Danica Železnik, Maribor University, Maribor

Ana Marušić, Zagreb University School of Medicine, Zagreb


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How to Cite

Šimunović, V. J., Sonntag, H. G., Petrović, M., Marz, R., Horsch, A., Ostojić, M., … Marušić, A. (2008). From virtual library over dictum and intel until refine: a story about ten-years of reform of medical education in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Acta Medica Academica, 37(1), 10–22. Retrieved from



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