Comparative Study of the Efficacy of the Lysozyme, Benzydamine and Chlorhexidine Oral Spray in the Treatment of Acute Tonsillopharyngitis - Results of a Pilot Study


  • Nataša Golac-Guzina University Clinical Center of the Republic of Srpska, ENT Clinic, Banjaluka
  • Zorica Novaković University Clinical Center of the Republic of Srpska, ENT Clinic, Banjaluka
  • Zehra Sarajlić University Clinical Center Sarajevo, Sarajevo
  • Aziz Šukalo Bosnalijek JSC, Sarajevo
  • Jasna Džananović Bosnalijek JSC, Sarajevo
  • Una Glamočlija Bosnalijek JSC, Sarajevo; School of Medicine, University of Mostar, Mostar
  • Belma Kapo Bosnalijek JSC, Sarajevo
  • Vedina Čordalija Psychiatric hospital of Canton Sarajevo - Clinical Pharmacy
  • Meliha Mehić Bosnalijek JSC, Sarajevo



Sore Throat, Antiseptics, Lysozyme


Objective. Lysozyme is a natural antimicrobial and immunomodulatory enzyme, which is produced as a host response to infectious agents. The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy and safety of lysozyme-based versus benzydamine and chlorhexidinebased oral spray in patients with an acute tonsillopharyngitis associated with a common cold.

Patients and Methods. A prospective twoarm pilot study (lysozyme/cetylpyridinium/lidocaine spray versus: benzydamine spray—arm 1; chlorhexidine/lidocaine spray—arm 2) was conducted in the primary health care unit. Efficacy was evaluated by the patient’s self-assessment of pain, difficulty in swallowing and the throat swelling, by using the visual analog scale (VAS) at baseline and three follow-up visits. Safety was evaluated by the assessment of the frequency and severity of adverse effects.

Results. Lysozyme-based spray reduced pain faster than benzydamine-based spray and slower than chlorhexidine-based spray. Lysozyme-based and chlorhexidinebased sprays similarly reduced difficulty in swallowing, but were faster than benzydamine-based spray. Similar effects on the reduction of throat swelling were seen in all treated groups. All tested products showed proper safety and were well tolerated, with no serious adverse events reported.

Conclusions. The lysozyme-based oral spray was shown to be effective and safe in the reduction of pain, difficulty in swallowing and throat swelling in patients with acute tonsillopharyngitis associated with a common cold. Lysozyme-based oral spray (containing natural compound with advantages of influencing immune system and preventing recurrences) had similar activity to benzydamine and chlorhexidine-based oral antiseptic sprays.


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How to Cite

Golac-Guzina, N., Novaković, Z., Sarajlić, Z., Šukalo, A., Džananović, J., Glamočlija, U., Kapo, B., Čordalija, V., & Mehić, M. (2019). Comparative Study of the Efficacy of the Lysozyme, Benzydamine and Chlorhexidine Oral Spray in the Treatment of Acute Tonsillopharyngitis - Results of a Pilot Study. Acta Medica Academica, 48(2), 140–146.



Clinical Science

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