Possibilities of family medicine in medical education


  • Igor Švab University of Ljubljana, Medical faculty Department of family medicine Ljubljana


Education/graduate, Family medicine, Curriculum


Family medicine is a discipline that has only recently joined the academicarena. Because of this, the academic contribution of this disciplineto universities has not been clarified yet. On the other hand,the medical schools suffer from well-known challenges, that havebeen largely known in the discussions about the crisis of academicmedicine. The article explores the possibilities of mutual cooperationbetween family medicine and the universities. In order to profit fromthe qualities of academic medicine and family medicine, a partnershipbetween the two needs to be established. It should be built on acceptanceof differences and adaptation of family medicine to the rules ofthe academia, which should be done without sacrificing its principles.The author describes three potential scenarios how family medicinecan be introduced in the undergraduate curriculum: a) as a subject atthe end of the curriculum, b) as collaboration in early patient contactand teaching clinical skills and c) as part of the integrated curriculum.The author concludes that both family medicine and the medicalschool have a lot to benefit from mutual cooparation. This requirescompromises that are not always easy.


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Author Biography

Igor Švab, University of Ljubljana, Medical faculty Department of family medicine Ljubljana


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How to Cite

Švab, I. (2012). Possibilities of family medicine in medical education. Acta Medica Academica, 41(1), 59–63. Retrieved from https://ama.ba/index.php/ama/article/view/134



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