Amputations in a tertiary care hospital


  • Othman Maimani Ministry of Health, Makkah
  • Zohair Jamil Gazzaz Health Research Centre Al-Noor Specialist Hospital, Makkah
  • Mian Usman Farooq Health Research Centre Al-Noor Specialist Hospital, Makkah


Amputation, Diabetic, Traumatic, Peripheral circulatory disorder.


Objective. This study was conducted to highlight the patternof amputations and their outcome in a tertiary care hospitalover a period of 16 months. Material and Methods. This retrospectivestudy of medical records was conducted at the Al-Noor Specialist Hospital, Makkah, Saudi Arabia from 04-03-2004 to 18-06-2005. The subjects’ files were extracted by usingICD-10 codes for amputations from the medical recordsdepartment by the authors of the Health Research Center.The files were reviewed for surgeons’ clinical notes as well asnurses’ notes. Operating theatre notes were also reviewed indetail. Certain variables were documented, including demography,clinical aspects and outcomes of amputations. Results.Of 50 study subjects males accounted for 72% and 84% wereSaudis. Fifty percent were middle aged (range 45-64yrs). Therange of stay was 3-48 days and 44% patients stayed for 3-7days. There were 43 (86%) amputations due to diabetes withperipheral circulatory disorder. Forty two (84%) of patientsimproved and 12% were discharged against medical advice(DAMA) after amputation whereas 6% died. Forty-four percentof patients were admitted once, while 2% of patients werereadmitted 9 times. The most amputations were at the level ofthe toes (54%), followed by 17 around the knee (34%). Nineteen(38%) patients underwent amputation under generalanesthesia. The re-amputation rate was 10%. Conclusion.Diabetes with peripheral vascular disease and neuropathywas the main cause of amputations in our hospital.


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How to Cite

Maimani, O., Gazzaz, Z. J., & Farooq, M. U. (2009). Amputations in a tertiary care hospital. Acta Medica Academica, 38(2), 86–91. Retrieved from



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