Ways to address the challenges of a modern medical curriculum: Living academic medicine at the University of Split, School of Medicine


  • Ivica Grković Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, University of Split School of Medicine, Split
  • Damir Sapunar Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, University of Split School of Medicine, Split
  • Matko Marušić Department of Research in Biomedicine and Health, University of Split School of Medicine, Split


Education, Medical, Curriculum, Contemporary


Structure of a modern medical curriculum should follow recommendationsof professional bodies (like World Federation for Medical Education)in order to educate and train medical professionals equippedwith problem solving/critical thinking skills entering a world ofevidence-based medicine and demands of contemporary medicalpractices. Also, political and socio-economic realities in addition totraditional and cultural values should be taken into account in orderto avoid creating an unsustainable program. Requests for curricularchanges by the European Union Commission were used as a chanceto shape our program into an original blend of traditional pre-clinicaland clinical subjects with several vertically integrated subjects focusingon mastering clinical skills, professional attitudes, informationmanagement and critical as well as evidence-based reasoning and decisionmaking. Reasons for introducing curricular changes in additionto detailed structure of current medical course at the Universityof Split School of Medicine is presented in this paper.


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How to Cite

Grković, I., Sapunar, D., & Marušić, M. (2012). Ways to address the challenges of a modern medical curriculum: Living academic medicine at the University of Split, School of Medicine. Acta Medica Academica, 41(1), 7–17. Retrieved from https://ama.ba/index.php/ama/article/view/128



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